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Chat GPT에게 추천받은 역대 최고의 단편 후더닛 미스터리 베스트 10

추리 역사상 가장 빼어난 후더닛 단편 베스트 10을 꼽아달라는 질문에 대한 Chat GPT의 답변입니다.

저도 다 읽어보지는 못했지만, 결과가 상당히 그럴싸합니다. <<비밀결사>>를 꼽은건 좀 의아하기는 하지만 그래도 이 정도면 준수한 목록으로 보이네요. 못 읽어본 작품은 어떻게든 구해서 꼭 읽어봐야겠습니다.
  1. "모르그 거리의 살인 The Murders in the Rue Morgue" by Edgar Allan Poe - often considered the first detective story, this tale features the amateur detective C. Auguste Dupin solving a series of bizarre murders in Paris.
  2. "얼룩끈 The Adventure of the Speckled Band" by Arthur Conan Doyle - one of the most famous Sherlock Holmes stories, this whodunit involves a woman who fears for her life after her sister dies under mysterious circumstances.
  3. "푸른 십자기 The Blue Cross" by G.K. Chesterton - in this Father Brown story, the eponymous priest solves a case involving the theft of a priceless religious artifact.
  4. "비밀결사 The Secret Adversary" by Agatha Christie - while not strictly a short story, this novella features Christie's recurring detectives Tommy and Tuppence as they try to solve a mysterious kidnapping.
  5. "The Black Cat" by John Dickson Carr - this locked-room mystery features the detective Dr. Gideon Fell trying to solve a seemingly impossible murder.
  6. "The Case of the Late Pig" by Margery Allingham - in this Albert Campion story, the amateur detective must solve the murder of a wealthy pig farmer.
  7. "도둑맞은 편지 The Purloined Letter" by Edgar Allan Poe - another C. Auguste Dupin story, this whodunit involves the theft of a sensitive letter and the efforts to retrieve it.
  8. "부러진 검의 의미 The Sign of the Broken Sword" by G.K. Chesterton - in this Father Brown story, the priest investigates the murder of a retired colonel with a mysterious past.
  9. "The Second Gong" by Roy Vickers - this classic whodunit involves the murder of a wealthy businessman during a dinner party, and the detective's efforts to solve the crime.
  10. "검찰측 증인 The Witness for the Prosecution" by Agatha Christie - this twisty tale involves a man accused of murder and his wife, who may or may not be a reliable witness.

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